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The Results are in...

Writer's picture: TexasTexas

A few days ago INN started a poll on the Approval Ratings of the regions officials, and with a rather low 32 votes, the answers to those questions are in. Before we get into the numbers, this poll was voted on by a majority of NWE Citizens (78.1% of the votes), with a Minority being Residents (18.8% of the vote) and 1 Lonely citizen of an ally. First up is the Imperial section of NWE, including the Emperor and the Immigration Director. First up is Emperor Joseph, before I state his numbers I wish to make note that this poll was conducted during the Constitutional Amendment Vote that has sparked some pushback from parties over the Emperor's Additions. Emperor Joseph came in at a 72.8% Approval rating, with a majority of people voting 7/10 or 10/10. This could be a reflection of his past actions or maybe just the approval or disapproval of an Emperor at all, something which has become apart of the political battle recently. The Immigration Director Bananaman scored a 59.6%, although it is work noting that the majority of his votes were 5/10, which was directed as the score to put if you don't know that person, meaning that many may not know who he is. His current achievements in this term include leading the charge in NWE hit 300 nations and providing feedback on the Executives work so far. Speaking of the Executive, we enter our scores for Cabinet. These scores include Prime Minister Texas, Deputy Prime Minister Bietz, Interior Director Ant, Foreign Affairs Director Communaccord, and Justice Director Yuthorin. Starting off with Prime Minister Texas scoring 74.6% Approval, this could be due to some of the more controversial pushes such as Appointing the Cabinet, Thaecia Agreement, and the Agency Amendment. The majority of his votes landed in the 7/10, 8/10, and 10/10. Deputy Prime Minister Bietz scored a 67.5%, presumably due to the lack of public knowledge of his position. In his scores the majority was 7/10. Next is Interior Director Ant, scoring a 67.2%, this could be because of his controversy surrounding his opinion on the NWA, but the majority of people voted 7/10. Up next is Foreign Affairs Director Communaccord scoring 73.1% and notably being the only one to be given a score of 1/10 twice. A majority of votes laid in 7/10 and 8/10. Finally Justice Director Yuthorin scoring 64.1% and notably being scored high in 5/10, 7/10, and 8/10. With the Justice Director not doing much region wise, it is expected that people score them lower. Moving on to Legislative Branch we start off with Chancellor Evile, who scored 68.7% Approval, notably high in the 5/10 and 10/10 scores. Chancellor Evile has been responsible for a majority of the legislation this term. Next up is Shadow Chancellor Communaccord scoring 73.4% Approval. This could be due to the excellent job as Foreign Affairs Director or just the lack of controversial items placed by them. The Citizens' Party also scored a 62.5% Approval compared to the Green-Lefts score of 66.3%. This could be due to the inactivities in the Senate from the Citizens' Party or a general higher Green-Left voter count. The Senate election part revealed a 40.6% for Green-Left, 31.3% for CTZ, 9.4% for Labour, 6.3% for Nationalist Union, and 12.4% going to other or unrecognized parties. This again could be more Green-Left voters indicating more activity from them, or just a temporary imbalance. Next up is the High Court! Starting right off with Chief Justice Thornian scoring 62.8% Approval with a significant majority voting 5/10. Going next to Justice Moonshine with 65.6%, again a significant majority voting 5/10. Finally Justice Dukna scoring 61.6%, again a majority voting 5/10. With a majority of the votes in 5/10, the courts clearly do not have as much popularity politically as the other two branches, which comes to hurt their scores. Most astonishingly the people voted an 87.5% either for a court overhaul or maybe, with 12.5% saying no. Hint hint Senators, the people have spoken here. Finally the other stuff. Out of the voters 27 (84.4%) were apart of the World Assembly with 5 (15.6%) not. Again out of these voters 25 (78.1%) are not apart of the Roleplay with 7 (21.6%) saying that are. The responses to the Love, Hate, and Improve parts of NWE will be shown at the end, but the largest and most entertaining one being: "First and most importantly, do not go with Duck Blue. Duck Blue is a hideous color that looks like someone peed or puked in the ocean. Also, don't slap a big fucking star on a duck blue background and call it a good flag. It's a flag, but it's definitely not a good one. On a slight change of subjects, try to convince people that stubborn traditionalism and reminiscing about the NWA is not the way to go. People seem to be on the right track, but we must make sure that a great future for the New Western Empire is secure. The Duck Blue argument may make me seem hypocritical about this, but that's a whole different story. The thing was that the flag with the globe on it is much better than a big fucking star surrounded by a circle on a hideous background. Communaccord should be ashamed. Anyway, make sure that people are firmly convinced that traditionalism isn't the way to go." That's all, tomorrow there will be a new podcast up with Prime Minister Salibaic of Force and myself diving into who we are as a person and other random questions. -Texas P.S here is the stuff from the Love, hate, and Improve Love about NWE: I enjoy the community, as well as the fact that there is very little corruption within our ranks.

Ability to be involved

The community

I like the fact that this region is democratic which isn't a matter of course, also love that it has a discord server and from as far as I can tell a great community.

You guys are a wonderful group

The fact that everyone has an opportunity here

The reforms from the festival, the flag contest, and the sudden activity growth.

the entrenched establishment

memeable moments

political parties

Hate about NWE: Lack Of Party Representation

I feel that election times and rules and the requirements for running need to be put clearer

Government is a bit incompetent from what I have seen

That our previous region (NWA) got taken over and it seems like no one is doing a thing about it

Duck blue and the stubborn traditionalism of certain people in the community.


yes, texas

the obstructionists

The Potato Party not being recongnized

Improve upon: Add more Party Representation

The whole political system seems a bit complicated, guide to it would be great. I would also appreciate a history overview.

Actually do stuff every now and then

Take back the NWA

First and most importantly, do not go with Duck Blue. Duck Blue is a hideous color that looks like someone peed or puked in the ocean. Also, don't slap a big fucking star on a duck blue background and call it a good flag. It's a flag, but it's definitely not a good one. On a slight change of subjects, try to convince people that stubborn traditionalism and reminiscing about the NWA is not the way to go. People seem to be on the right track, but we must make sure that a great future for the New Western Empire is secure. The Duck Blue argument may make me seem hypocritical about this, but that's a whole different story. The thing was that the flag with the globe on it is much better than a big fucking star surrounded by a circle on a hideous background. Communaccord should be ashamed. Anyway, make sure that people are firmly convinced that traditionalism isn't the way to go.

ban texas

Expand the amount of members in the Legislature, Expand the amount of members in the Court.

Recognize the Potato Party



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