This first month of 2021 has held quite a few debates in both the government and regional politics. With the upcoming Senate Mid-term, New Constitution, founding of the College of Arms, and increases in Regional Statistics there is a lot to cover.
Senate Mid-Term
With our Senate Election around the corner parties and candidates are preparing themselves for a harder fight than previous election, with 2 more candidates than the 2020 Winter elections. Parties have taken in the fact that this new system of elections requires war-like strategies. Citizens' Party (CTZ) has 1 more candidate that the previous election due to the sudden unofficial merge with the Labor Party. The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has dropped down from 2 candidates to 1, with neither of the current holders running for re-election and a sudden return of UPA Co-Founder and Ex-CTZ Founding member Communaccord. The Regional Imperialist Party (RIP) has increased it's candidates from 1 to 3, with the current holder running for re-election. Notably RIP and the Regional Democratic Union (RDU) are the only two parties to have nations which joined either around or after the Winter 2020 elections run for Senate. RDU has also increased it's candidates from 2 to 4, with both current holders running for re-election. Two Independents have emerged with Chairman Tristandecuhna (Trist) from UPA as one of them. If this is either a mistake or distancing move from the Chairman is unclear. The Mid-term election will go up for vote on the 25th of January.
Constitutional Vote
Also going up for vote on the 25th of January is the Constitutional Formatting and Adjusting Amendment which was written by Prince and Consul Texas, Chairman and Deputy FA Director Slovaria, Deputy Chairman and Senator Angea, along with advice and suggestions provided by Prince and Immigration Director Bacon and in the earlier drafts Emperor Joseph. This Constitutional Amendment changes the vast majority of the wording in the Constitution and is aimed at providing a easier way for amendments to be added along with easier to read. You can read it in it's Legal Format here and if you need something more understandable you can read the Official Constitutional Document provided to the Emperor here. The most notable and largely debated addition is the addition of the Royalty into the Constitution, taking the unofficial Imperial House of Twomey founded by Emperor Joseph and giving it government power. This will be used to provide an official way to recognize individuals which have served and bettered the Empire. It also allows for a creative outlet such as the College of Arms.
Founding of the College of Arms
The Senate recently passed a law which founded the College of Arms. In short, the College of Arms is the governing body which overlooks the creating, amending, removing, and displaying of the Coat of Arms of members of the House of Twomey. Mukolayiv is the current Acting King of Arms which resides over the College of Arms. The law is tied into the Constitutional Formatting and Adjusting Amendment which means legally it is in stand-still until the successful passage of the Constitutional Amendment. You can check out the work currently produced by the College of Arms here.
Regional Health is on the Rise!
Current Activity data shows that the New Western Empire is holding it's own. Since the Summer of 2020 Nationstates has been in a decline in membership and activity. This has led to the destruction of regions and communities which didn't focus on the retention rates of their recruitment efforts. Recruitment is the process of advertising the region and getting nations to join the region while retention rate is the percentage of the newly recruited nations which stay around. This can be increased by pushing for nations to join the regional Roleplay (Shameless plug, see here), to join political parties, and to join the World Assembly. The more nations can get involved and make their mark the more likely they are to stay around. While the current retention rate numbers are not currently known, general activity is which is a good indicator of retention rates. Discord activity has jumped up by ~5% with an average of 1,700 messages per day. On Nationstates, the average login day has lowered (Which is a good thing) and can be displayed below.

As a reminder, please do join our regional Discord, take a look at our Roleplay, give the parties some love, and most importantly join the World Assembly.
INN is always looking for more staff. If you feel like you could help or have an idea for an article, please send a message to @Texas#0303 on Discord or the United Soviet States of Russian Empire on Nationstates.